Now that you are ready for the mind melting spanking…

We are going to talk about the spanking itself next. The signs to look for, how to build it up to make it the yummiest.

If you haven’t read the first part yet, it is time to do so. Click here. You will need all the info about how to induce a trance state with your spanking. The combination of safety and the excitement together that is making all of this so irresistibly juicy. So read the first part to have solid foundations.

Are you ready for more?

So let’s go through your options, and start with the location.

Where to spank?

The best place to spank is the area just at the bottom of the butt and the top of the tights, the so-called butt smile. It is full of nerve endings ready to feel and experience.

The pelvis stores lots of tension so spanking helps to release that tension. And the release can feel very euphotic, but this can also cause crying. If this happens go to the aftercare part here and provide the support needed. It is a good thing.

You can spank fleshy areas. Hence you create vibrations by drumming these areas, the cushioning is important. Don’t ever spank around the joints, bony areas or the kidneys.

One of the most interesting definitions is the “burping baby”. Spank where you would pat a baby to burp or to give them comfort. (Do you see the combination of comfort and danger?)

Don’t spank the tailbone or the pelvic bone.

What to use for spanking?

You can use your hand, of course. Keeping your fingers together with a small curve, like Barbie’s hands. Your wrists are straight.

You can use the whole palm or just the fingertips or side.

And of course you can use paddles, straps, riding crops, floggers, the back of a hairbrush or even a book… If you use something with holes, that will feel more stringy.

These toys can create different sensations and they also can help the spanker to last longer. Spanking can be very tiring, so the more options you have the more you can have the ideal impact.

What position to choose?

Of course this depends on the area that you select, what serves the play the most and also how can the mind drop?

Use pillows, cushions and props to support the body and the head to avoid shock.

You can spank your partner face down or over your lap.

(Be aware that fishnets are going to leave marks.

Start with a warm up

Never start a spanking with full impact.

Prepare the area by introducing sensation and moving the flesh a bit.


Stretching the tissue





And spanking lightly

Warming up allows the nervous system to know something is happening.

Do you remember the scales introduced in part one?

You start with light intensity 1 - 2, but soon go up for 3. This is their middle range. 

When your partner’s breathing begins to drop, that is a non-verbal way to see if they are at the right inner space for the spanking.

If their breath is shallow they are in their heads.

You know that your partner is warmed up, when their behind is blushed. The capillaries are open.

Go for the mind melting spanking

You can go more up than 3 when they are ready. 

It is a good sign when their butt follows your movement.
And add intensity and rhythm. 

You are going to create peaks of intensity and then soothing. 

For the soothing you can use a furry, sensual material.
Feathers are amazing.

This is the perfect time for temperature play as well.

You can of course use your own hands for soothing too.

You can hum and moan even as a giver.

Giving kisses and comfort is going to help.
If you learned about your erotic blueprints and you know your partner you can gor more sensual, energetic, sexual or kinky. It is going to work like a charm.

And then create more expectations and go for the next peak.

This kind of spanking is going to affect your decision making, so stay with the original agreement.

Intensity, rhythm are there for you to play with.

Always be clear about when you are going to close the spanking.

Let me repeat this from part one:

How do you want the scene to end?

Do you need an orgasm at the end? Or you want to meditate and create a spiritual ritual to close it? Maybe you want cuddles. And if you just want to have some space and be left alone for a bit you can ask for that too.

Aftercare time

What do you need for the after care?
Water? Warmth? Snacks? Reassurance? Some time alone?
Ask your partner what they need?
And you can also ask what you need.

And provide it. You need time to come back to the real world after the high. Land safe and in comfort.

Awesome. You did it. :))) Yuhuuuu.

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