We're not all Lazy at PlayBlue
You might think looking at the Blog or the News stories on Playblue in recent months working here is a bit like the Dail, that we’ve been off for the summer. Well I really have to apologise as we have literally been all hands on deck since about mid-May, except for a sneaky week in Clare mid-August wasn’t the weather great? You don’t get to say that too often in this country, do you? But I digress…
We have been burning the candles on both ends all summer trying to get the new website launched and phew… we did it.
We have tried our best to create an attractive simple to use adult shop that has everything you could want at your fingertips. We think it’s a vast improvement on the old one and you should find it much faster and more detailed.
Now an online retail shop is always a work in progress and product descriptions and pictures will be constantly improved but hopefully with our new shop front we are in a position to build a great adult store retail experience.
I could talk about all the cool new features especially the free gifts but I think that will be a blog post all in itself. You can also expect us to add a load of new products as we’ve been holding back while we finished the new website and we already have a few hundred in mind.
Normal service will now resume on Blogs and Newsletters and Facebook as we all go back to our normal jobs and apologies again for the lack of communication, you’ll probably be sick of us again very soon we promise.