The PlayBlue Daily Deal

skins condomsAll change at PlayBlue. I thought Summer was a time of holidays and BBQs and days at the beach but at PlayBlue this summer has been all about upheaval and constant change. It might be quicker to just tell you what we haven’t changed which is the our best in the industry service, delivery and prices, but pretty much everything else has been upgraded.

But one I really think you’ll like is that we’ve started our Daily Deal Special Offer Newsletter which is a regular (about once a week) one day only special offer that we send out to our newsletter subscribers. It is valid for 24 hours only and is usually an incredible offer on a single product.

These are great products that we’ve gotten in bulk at a special discounted price from our suppliers, that we then offer at cost or better to our newsletter subscribers just because we can.

Obviously not all Daily Deals are going to be for you but the plan is to keep changing the products on offer to try our best to ensure that there is something for everyone.

No catch, no terms and conditions, no hoops to jump through it’s as simple as we slash the price on a product for 24 hours after which time it reverts to its original price (if we have stock left). All the usual shipping and payments apply, it’s just a single ridiculously low priced special offer!

The special offer price is available to anyone visiting the website but only for 24 hours and the newsletter subscribers will be the lucky ones to get the heads up. So if you want to be included please signup for the newsletter. You can of course unsubscribe super easy by clicking the link at the bottom of each newsletter.

We have found though that change becomes a habit and after the summer we’ve had it won’t stop there. We have a load of great changes planned with tons of new products being added constantly, keep checking in with us and sign up for the daily deal to ensure you don’t miss out. You can sign up from the homepage all we need is your email address.

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