I'd hate to be one of our suppliers!
I see our job at PlayBlue as a simple one, we source the best sex toys we can at the lowest prices, then add a little bit for us and sell them to our loyal customers, all very obvious and simple. Right?
Which is exactly as it should be!
Not everyone agrees though, you see sex shops in Ireland tend to operate more like Jewelery shops. They buy in product at whatever price they are offered, they then add a huge margin to make up for the lack of customers. With the prices they are forced to ask they’ll never get more than a trickle of customers so need to make up for it with huge prices, it’s a bit of a vicious circle.
At PlayBlue we’re more like Amazon we are fantastic to our customers we offer the best service we can no matter what. We have the scale in the Irish market to buy loads and are constantly fighting for our customers to get the lowest prices we can off our suppliers.
Once we get a discount we drop our prices and then start fighting for a bigger discount, it’ll never end.
Well we’ve just gone through another successful round of discount negotiations and this has meant we’ve dropped prices on almost 900 products the last week.
We’ve also added a new supplier and have added almost 140 products in the last two weeks alone. If you’ve not been at PlayBlue for a while I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised and you can be sure there is only one way our prices are going.