Come in through the Backdoor
I always think this next topic I’m going to talk about is a bit like Fianna Fail you either love them or find even the idea of them revolting. So I’m sure to lose half the audience in the next couple of lines.
Since starting PlayBlue we’ve noticed an absolute explosion of Anal Sex Toys sold. It really does seem that what was once a seriously taboo subject in Ireland, with only the most wanton of individuals taking part has become come place and I for one am delighted.
Some Irish women over the age of 35 have a barrier to break down when it comes to anal play that it is dirty and wrong and disgusting. Irish men over 35 seem to think anything related to anal play brings their sexuality into question.
Well at PlayBlue we like to explore everything our bodies and sexuality has to offer and we want to tell you to relax and just do whatever it is you are comfortable with but don’t be afraid of anything. If you’ve even considered anal play for a moment I’ll say start small and remember lube is your best buddy. Go slow, pain is not what we’re looking for here and remember half the pleasure is in the journey, not getting there.
For the absolute beginner try the Anovibe it offers a firm but flexible anal bead stick and can vibrate or not depending on preference. Try to slowly pull the Anovibe out while you orgasm for a wonderfully heightened experience.
The intermediate anal player, for her the Xcel Double penetrator which will let you experience double vibrating penetration and for him the naughty boy prostate massager.
Now to the experts who probably don’t need me to tell them anything as they’ve more than likely tried it all but how about the Power remote controlled Buttplug hands free satisfaction.
Two final tips before I leave you to explore around back, lube lube lube and preferably an anal lube like Anal Lovin and finally if you are the type of person to keep everything squeaky clean try a douche we have a few but they all basically clean you from the inside out.
If you would like to learn a little more about Anal Sex toys and Backdoor fun checkout our anal sex help guide.
Have fun and stay safe!