Cock Rings - The Beginners Guide

This under appreciated but gratifying sex toy is often overlooked. Here we celebrate that small piece of equipment that can turn you into a titan in the bedroom!

First thing’s first,

What is a Cock Ring and How does it Work?

Simply put a cock ring is a ring worn at the base of the penis or underneath the testes that help maintain a stronger erection for a longer period of time.

Sometimes they are worn by men with erectile dysfunction in conjunction with a vacuum pump to help maintain an erection.

However the popularity of the cock ring comes from the fact that using one makes the wearer bigger, harder and can prolong the sex sessions!

How they work is very simple, when placed on the penis the ring restricts the blood flow, keeping the blood in the shaft. This is what causes you to have the longer lasting erection.

How do you Wear them?

This is a actually a question of personal preference. Some men prefer to wear them at the base of the penis and some prefer to wear them behind the scrotum. It is all about a question of comfort, if you aren’t comfortable you are not going to enjoy yourself as much as you should.

This is also true about how you put them on. Each man will have the way that works best for them but here are a few handy hints:

Quite a few cock rings are made of a stretchy material, such as silicone, so it is case of just stretching the ring as much as you need to (trust me , they are stronger than they look!) and guiding it into place at the base of the shaft.

If you would rather place it behind the testes, guide it down and then stretch the ring to place one testicle through and then the next.

Alternatively you could place the testes through first and then (carefully!) place the penis through.

TIP! Best to put on the cock ring before you have achieved your erection. It just makes life easier!

If you are using a cock ring that is made of harder material, like metal, you follow the same procedure, however you may discover the use of a little lube might help the matter along. Not too much though, or else it could start sliding all over the place!

So now that we have the basics out of the way we need to move onto which is the best for you.

Which Cock Ring Do I Want?

Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. Cock rings are no different and there are many to choose from!

Here are a few different types that are available

Soft, Stretchy Cock Rings. Easy to use and easy to clean

Adjustable Cock Rings: These are great for first time users. You can either choose one with snaps, that opens and closes as easily as a bracelet.

Or use one that has tightening beads. It is a soft loop of material that can be made as loose or tight as you want by drawing the bead that is on the strings.

Cock Rings with Vibrators: Amazing experiences for you and your partner. These come with vibrating bullets on top, or for the adventurous amongst you, they have bullets top AND bottom! The sensations can add another dimension to the play.

Rigid Cock Rings: Not every cock ring has to be soft and supple. Some guys prefer the feel of the extra hold that comes from cock rings made from harder materials, like metal. Durable and long lasting they can add other sensations that might not be available from the silicone incarnations. They can be cooled down or warmed up to bring in the element of temperature play into the bedroom.

Cock Rings With Added Extras: In recent years the humble cock ring has undergone a bit of a revamp and has emerged with different bits and bobs added on that can take it from great sex to mind blowing experiences!

Prostate Play - Where will it end? Will your cock ring end up make a cup of tea for after. You can have cock rings with built in Prostate and Perineum stimulators, probably not for first timers. 

Bunny ears - An extra vibration dimension some even have built in rabbit ears so that she can get in on the extra stimulation

Textured Cock Rings - It doesn’t just enhance the pleasure for the wearer

Wrecking Balls - A singe or set of swinging weighted balls that tap of the scrotum during sex for heightened stimulation, again not for everyone but if the thought has aroused you it really is worth trying out.

Cock and Ball Rings - It feels more secure. These are multiple cock rings or cock cages that allow you to have a ring around the base of the penis, the testes and both at the same time.

Check out our Cock Ring Selection to see the full range of Cock Rings that we have on sale

Now that you have picked out your cock ring and it is in place here are just A few things to remember

While wearing a cock ring feels amazing only wear it for 30 minutes at a time

If you discover that your penis has become cold or turned purple or white (never a good sign) take the ring off immediately. This is a sign that the ring is actually too tight

TIP! If you are unsure whether the cock ring is going to be a good fit, once you have it on check to see if you can get your middle finger between you and the cock ring, if you can then you have room to expand and it should fit comfortably.  

A general rule is that cock rings are easier to put on than they are to take off, so no panic!

Very Important

There is no substitute for cock rings, which have been specifically designed for the male genitals and sexual encounters. Rubber bands, hair bands and cable ties etc are not a great idea and you may just find yourself in bother…

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