Calling Social Media Content Creators

We have launched our Social Partners & Affiliates program. This is a program to offer free toys, discount codes and affiliate links to social media content creators. It is simple to join just register your interest on on Social Partners dashboard and we’ll get back to you.

You don’t need 100,000 followers to join, we have members with less than 1,000 followers. We are looking for enthusiastic people who are passionate about sex toys and sexual health and create fun informative content.

The idea here is to help content creators talk and discuss sex toys. We want to drag sex toys to the mainstream for a few reasons. First obviously and selfishly it increases the market and we sell more product yippee. We also want to help the wonderful people openly discussing sexual health and pleasure as it is something in Ireland we need to discuss and be much more open about. The past of fear, shame and guilt has done us no favours and continues to be a barrier that some great people online are trying to knock down.

Content Creators

Why don’t we do it ourselves you may ask, well we do we create great content with Viktoria our resident Erotic Coach we just want much more. Social media being honest is something that until Viktoria joined we really kind of ignored as myself and Richie are two middle-aged men who have next to no social media chops. We have been delighted with the content Viktoria has been creating and we literally now just give her free rein to talk about anything she wants and she does, it’s great! Checkout our Instagram and Facebook pages to hear what she has to say.

We have members who do one-on-one consultations with very few followers who we are delighted to help and members with thousands of followers. Applying is simple and the worst that could happen is we email wishing you the best with a gentle let down, probably even get a little gift card for the trouble lol. So what have you got to lose?

There are a few simple rules we will follow which I want to be totally up front with 

  1. We are an Irish based company so we are looking for Irish based creators and audiences so if you are a great creator in South Africa to a South African audience well done you but maybe we are not a great fit.
  2. We are very open and live and let live at PlayBlue. So no anti this or anti that we just want to discuss great sexual health and pleasure.
  3. Size is NOT important (heard that before hey?) if you have 500 followers but want to talk sex toys please apply. If you have 50,000 followers obviously apply and we will be happy to discuss with any creator how best we can support you.
  4. This isn’t a contract or formal anything we want to help you with free stuff so you will talk about sex toys and hopefully PlayBlue. Stop whenever you want so hassle.
  5. We are not looking for Propaganda just honesty. If a sex toy is crap, say it’s crap, maybe offer an alternative but be true to yourself and your audience.

So anyone out there need a hand to talk about sex toys we’d love to help. Apply Now

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