Brexit Irrational Security Concerns
With the Brexit vote last week I’ve heard an awful lot of rubbish and I admit to talking a lot of rubbish about it too. When I woke up last Friday to the news I was a bit shocked and dived into a load of irrational thoughts and discussions on the implications for PlayBlue. But the simple fact of the matter is nothing has changed, yet anyway.
There was a report this morning of an online clothes retailer in the UK refusing to accept returns from Ireland because they thought now with the Brexit vote EU consumer law no longer applied to them. This is blatantly untrue, and also shows how the online marketplace still has a ways to go to maturity with the likes of these chancers still trading online. I mean, even EU Consumer law no longer applied (which it does) in the UK, you would assume the any online store you traded with would uphold professional and customer focused business practices.
Most of our sex toys are sourced from Europe and the UK and as of now and into the medium term nothing has changed, I know I’m repeating myself but I just want to make sure this is clear. You may run into difficulty if you shop with some dodgy UK online stores who are run by fools or bigots, who might try to pretend this isn’t the case, but I can guarantee you it is.
Of course shopping with PlayBlue as we are really based in Ireland unlike some of our “Irish” competitors it is a case of business as usual. This obviously also applies to our customers from the North of Ireland too. I really can’t envisage even if the UK actually go through with a break from the EU and that is a big if in my opinion as the UK realise their protest vote might has some unwanted consequences and maybe a little rethink might be required, that trade between Ireland and the UK will really change much.
So the message here is Stay Calm Nothing Has Changed - And Probably Never Will! and of course Relax and purchase online (with PlayBlue) in confidence.