Brand Focus - ID Lubricants

ID Lubricants is one of the first branded lubricants we started selling at PlayBlue. It has been a firm favourite with our customers for years now mainly in my opinion because of its price, quality and range which are all top class. ID is a massive brand in the USA probably the biggest so it has the market size and knowledge to create great lubes for great prices, what's not to love?

ID may not get the modern flashy press of a Sliquid or System Jo but quality-wise it is all there and when it comes to price ID crushes these new upstarts. We have found that ID with maybe Skins is the first branded lube customers move too after trying a generic lube and many never leave the brand. Brand loyalty is usually very sticky when it comes to lubricants and when you find a lube you find great we have found it is near impossible to suggest a change.

ID Lubricants

ID Pleasure Lube 

This is the ID best seller for us. This is the ID Premium waterbased lube with added L-argine to give that extra little tingle and encourage blood flow for more sensation and stronger erections. We sell it in a couple of sizes and is obviously a firm favourite as it has been our best selling ID lube for years. A testimony to its effectiveness is that we have customers who buy regularly.

ID Glide 

Glide is IDs waterbased premium lube. Safe to use with toys, condoms and with vaginal and anal play. ID Glide is the use anywhere, great quality, long lasting lube that needs to be a staple in your sex life. We sell it in a number of sized bottles and for anyone looking at a good lube this is one of our go-to products in-store.

ID Backslide

ID have made a big push in recent years with anal play lubes and ID Backslide is their luxury thick silicone super slippy lube with an added mild muscle relaxant to make anal play easier and much more enjoyable. This is just so good for anal play but beware once you use it you will never do anal play without it again.


We have in the past sold the whole selection of IDs premium flavoured lubes. They have all the ID quality with gorgeous fun tastes. Great fun especially for foreplay and oral play. If you’ve never tried flavoured lubes you gotta give them a go. 

Anything Else?

We have just added a few new ID products like the ID Free and the ID Totally Naked which are totally natural, hypollergenic, free from all chemicals yet still amazing slick quality lubes. Just back to basics quality. I’m sure they will be firm favourites with our loyal ID customers.

ID Lubricants is a brand that has been a great servant for us. When we were just starting out it was our first foray into quality lubes and it has paved the way for thousands of Irish couples to experience the joys of a quality lube. We will stick with them too and look forward to many more great innovations.

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